Wednesday, May 3, 2023

London Celebrates FREE DESIGNS #londonpapercraftchallenge #relativelythoughtful

Happy Tuesday!

I hope you have a lovely day!

Today, I have something special for you.
This morning on Relatively Thoughtful website and Facebook group Sally (the owner) announced a fabulous challenge. You can download FREE design papers and create a project. All the information is below.

You can also check my YouTube tutorial on CRAFTING WITH QUILLING LADY channel.

Attention all Crafters! 
This is your invitation to take part in our exciting Craft Challenge which is inspired by the upcoming King’s Coronation and the release of our “London Celebrates” collection. 
Your challenge is to create a project using our free PDF download! 
You could create decorative bunting, a photo frame, a hat suitable for Royalty or anything else you feel inspired to make! We just want to see your creativity shine. 

How to Enter 
Make your project using our free PDF and up to three additional items from your stash to decorate it. Post your finished project in the comments of this post and share it to the following hashtags #londonpapercraftchallenge #relativelythoughtful 

Join our Facebook Group “RT Create, Make and Share”, for more fun challenges and a chance to talk with our Design Team 

The Prize 
The Winner will receive the full “London Celebrates” Collection as a digital download and a 20% Discount from our Website. So get Crafting and show us why London is worth Celebrating! 


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